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 I'm a Templar that is allied with Humans.

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Posts : 30
Join date : 2008-11-17

I'm a Templar that is allied with Humans. Empty
PostSubject: I'm a Templar that is allied with Humans.   I'm a Templar that is allied with Humans. Icon_minitimeThu Nov 27, 2008 11:56 am

Yeah, it's true. I was able to trade, party, and chat (using normal chat as well as /c) with Humans.
Akkans also show up as enemies. I can see nobodies name, only their class.

Here's a screenshot of me being in a party with Humans.

I'm a Templar that is allied with Humans. 4thbizarretemplar200811ti1
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Age : 32
Location : Germany

I'm a Templar that is allied with Humans. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I'm a Templar that is allied with Humans.   I'm a Templar that is allied with Humans. Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 6:14 pm

loool,pretty funny though ^^
has it always been like that or just once u visited map4?
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Posts : 30
Join date : 2008-11-17

I'm a Templar that is allied with Humans. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I'm a Templar that is allied with Humans.   I'm a Templar that is allied with Humans. Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 6:35 pm

Happens whenever the player -MooN- kills me. He is an Akkan gunner so i don't know how he targets his own people.
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I'm a Templar that is allied with Humans. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I'm a Templar that is allied with Humans.   I'm a Templar that is allied with Humans. Icon_minitime

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I'm a Templar that is allied with Humans.
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